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Economic Development: Downtown Rowlett

I'm tired of hearing Rowlett residents say, "I love going to downtown Rockwall (or Wylie, or McKinney)
and then "why can't our downtown be like that?"
I believe it can be. 

We already have the foundation on which to build a vibrant, beautiful downtown district. We have a new strategic plan, presented to the council by Olsson Studios in October. We have a handful of popular restaurants and retail shops. We have citizens who are willing and eager to help. I believe the key is not just allowing but encouraging them to be involved. 

That's why I proposed the establishment of a downtown advisory board. Downtown belongs to all of us, not just to the city council and staff. While we are the ones responsible for making the final decisions, the input of downtown business owners and Rowlett residents who dine and shop there is vital to taking Main Street and the surrounding area to the next level. 

City councils and administrations have been talking the talk about downtown for a long time now but not walking the walk. The current council had a false start, hiring a downtown manager and commissioning a study from Texas Downtown. A year later, the position was vacated, and little progress had been made. 

This time, we're getting serious about creating a downtown in which all of us can take pride. The current staff has taken tangible steps toward addressing parking issues and finding funding to create a unique ambiance that will bring people in from out of town. 

The decision was made to create a municipal complex that is surrounded by and integrated into Herfurth Park on the east end of downtown. It will include the public safety build (police headquarters and fire administration) and animal shelter that were approved by voters in the 2023 bond election as well as a court facility and a new city hall. Improvements to the park itself, also funded through the bonds, will make this a welcoming, user-friendly "civic heart" where citizens can be comfortable conducting business with the city. 

In May, four seats on the council are up for election. It will be up to the next mayor and council to follow through and make the grand plans a reality. I want to be that mayor. I'm excited about the future of downtown Rowlett. 


Pol. Adv. paid for by Deb Shinder Campaign

Pol. Adv. paid for by Deb Shinder Campaign
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