It's about time.
It's about the time she's spent in city government learning the ropes.
Deb has worked for and with municipalities since the 1980s in multiple roles.
It's about the time she has to make city business her top priority.
Deb is now retired, and her kids are all grown up; she can be a full-time mayor.
It's about the time she'll take to answer your questions and hear your concerns.
Deb answers emails and texts, usually within 24 hours, and returns phone calls.
It's about time to elect Deb Shinder to serve as Mayor of Rowlett.
A mayor who will be there when it counts:
- Deb will be there at the helm in council meetings to ensure they stay professional and on topic.
- Deb will be there at budget time to advocate for responsible spending and lower taxes.
- Deb will be there at the Emergency Operations Center when there’s a potential emergency.
- Deb will be there in Austin to speak up for the interests of Rowlett citizens when necessary.
- Deb will be there via email, phone, in person, or through her official social media channels to listen to your concerns and answer your questions about the city.
VOTE MAY 3, 2025
Rowlett is changing. Change brings challenges.
Deb believes we can turn those challenges into opportunities. That requires leaders who are committed to managing change in a way that respects the character of our existing neighborhoods and preserves the friendly, home-town ambiance on which our community was built.
Rowlett needs a mayor who has experience, vision, and values.
“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein
Deb's experience in municipal government and public service spans a lifetime. She has served in various roles in different cities, as a police officer, city secretary, consultant, and board and commission member. She has been elected to the city council in two different cities. She can see the issues from different perspectives because she's lived those points of view. As Mayor Pro Tem, Deb did the job in the mayor's absence. View Deb’s resume.
“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”
Deb rejects the negative opinions about our city that run rampant on social media. Rowlett is in the throes of an identity crisis, and we have to choose what kind of city we want this to be. By deciding on a direction, formulating a plan, and following through, we can make this community the great “place to live, work, and play” that our motto proclaims. That will require big-picture, long-term thinking on the part of policy makers. That starts with revamping our strategic plan. See Deb’s thoughts on who we are and what we want to become.
“Open your arms to change but don’t let go of your values.” – Dalai Lama
Deb has the courage to stand up for what she believes in, even when it means being the lone voice or the lone vote on the council. She researches the issue, analyzes the information, listens to all sides of the argument, considers all the relevant factors, and makes a decision based on logic and her guiding principles. She's not afraid to "just say no." Read about Deb’s platform, principles, and priorities.
Deb Shinder has the experience, the vision, and the values, but she has more than that. She has the ability and the availability. She has made the commitment, and she has built and continues to build the relationships. That all adds up to the kind of leadership we need today and in the future.
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do.” – Lou Holtz
Deb has demonstrated, over and over, her ability to dream big and to make those dreams come true and achieve her personal, professional, and political goals. When she was told she would never make it through the police academy, she graduated as valedictorian. Going up against dozens of more experienced applicants, she was selected for a top-level position in city government. Running in a race with opponents who were locally prominent and better funded, she won her first election. Meet Deb and find out more about her life and career history.
“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” - Woody Allen
Deb has the time, at this point in her life, to be the full-time mayor Rowlett expects and needs. Experience, values, vision, and ability only matter if you’re able to make a complete commitment to the job. With her children grown and living their own best lives in another state (and no grandkids), and the flexibility in retirement to fulfill the practical, ceremonial, and statutory duties of mayor. Read Deb’s commentary on the role of mayor in the council-manager form of government.
"Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality." - Abraham Lincoln
Deb is not a quitter. The last five Rowlett mayors left office before the end of the terms to which they were elected. It's about time for our city to have a mayor who, unless physically unable to serve, will stay the course. Deb is in it for the long run. Deb believes in keeping her promises.
"Alone we can do so little; together, we can do so much." - Helen Keller
Deb understands the importance of building relationships, not only with our city's residents, business owners, organizations, and visitors, but also with those at the regional, state, and national levels who can have an impact on our city and its citizens. She represents Rowlett residents here at home and as part of county and metroplex committees and coalitions and on committees of state-wide organizations. Deb knows it's important to give our city a voice in venues beyond the city limits.
Deb Shinder wants to be your mayor - and she's ready to hit the ground running.
Deb loves working in local government. She loves strategic planning, policy development, and the legislative process. Deb loves Texas, she loves Rowlett, and most of all, she loves the amazing people she serves. You can benefit from that lifetime of service with a vote for Deb for Mayor on May 3, 2025.
Deb talks about strategic planning
Deb Shinder released a video today in which she talked about her great experience serving on Rockwall County's Strategic Planning Committee for most of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025, attending numerous meetings and public forums and working with representatives from the county, other Rockwall County cities, other entities (schools, hospitals, non-profit organizations), and interested citizens.
Deb announced that one of her first initiatives as mayor would be to come to the council with a proposal to appoint a committee to review and revise the City of Rowlett's strategic plan. It was adopted prior to the pandemic and Deb said, "The world has changed since then, and our city has changed."
You can view the video on the Deb for Rowlett Mayor Facebook page.
Deb releases a new "short shots" video: The Great Political Divide
It seems as if anyone who takes a stand on a controversial issue these days is accused of being divisive. But like it or not, our country and our city ARE divided. That's not all bad. It means we don't all think alike, and that we bring different perspectives and ideas and ideologies to the table.
Elections, by their very nature, divide people into two or more camps, depending on which candidate or candidates you support. It's good that the candidates are not alike - if they were, why even bother to vote?
Rockwall County Strategic Plan will be presented next week
After a year of hard work by many different people and numerous workshops and community forums, Baker Tilly consultants and the Rockwall County Strategic Plan Committee will be presenting the final draft of the Rockwall County Strategic Plan 2050 to the Commissioners' Court on Tuesday, March 11. Deb was asked to speak at that meeting and represent Rowlett, which is one of the ten cities that lie partially or wholly in Rockwall County. The Commissioners' Court meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m.
The population of the County was 131,307 as of July, 2023, with a 5.13 percent annual growth rate. By adopting a strategic plan that looks forward for the next twenty-five years, Rockwall County will become one of only a handful of Texas counties to do. This initiative was led by Precinct 2 County Commissioner Dana Macalik.
St. Patrick's Day Celebration is coming soon
As Kermit the Frog used to say, it's not easy being green. But on March 14th from 6:00-9:00 p.m., we'll "wear green and be seen" as part of Rowlett's Culture Roulette series of themed events. This is a day for celebrating the life and memory of Ireland's patron saint and the heritage and culture of our Irish American citizens. There will be live music, crafts and activities, and delicious food from local vendors to enjoy at this family-friendly gathering downtown on the Green (where else?).
Rowlett Mardi Gras Night was a ton of fun!
On Friday evening, the City of Rowlett held its Mardi Gras celebration at the Rowlett Community Centre. This wasn't a campaign event, but many of the candidates who have filed to run in the May 3 election were on hand. There was a crawfish boil, a cakewalk, live music, games and items for sale or giveaway - along with some colorful clothing and lots and lots of beads. Food trucks in the parking lot provided refreshments, and we had beautiful weather and a great turnout. Kudos to city staff for a successful event!
Special Election for Mayor: Drawing for Place on the Ballot
The filing deadline for the special election for mayor will close on March 3 at 5:00 p.m. Immediately following, at 5:05 p.m., the City Secretary will hold a drawing for place on the ballot in that race. The order of filing determines the order to draw. Deb Shinder filed her application on February 5 and Jeff Winget filed on February 11. The drawing is expected to be broadcast via live video on the City of Rowlett TX Facebook page.
Meeting with state legislators in Austin
Four members of the city council, along with representatives from the Rowlett Chamber and Leadership Rowlett, took a quick two-day trip to Austin this week to meet with state legislators and advocate for Rowlett's legislative agenda. Deb believes building relationships at the regional and state levels is an important part of being an elected official, and something she will continue as mayor.
She says, "Thank you to state senator Bob Hall, representatives Angie Chen Button and Rhetta Bowers, PUC Director Mike Hoke, Adriana Cruz from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and Speaker Burrows for taking the time out of this busy session to meet with us. The laws enacted by the state impact the city and its citizens, both directly and indirectly, and bringing our concerns to those who make the laws can benefit us all."
Last night's Rowlett Chamber gala was a big success
It was great to see so many Rowlett residents and businesspeople come together last night to recognize and celebrate the winners of the annual awards. The theme was Mardi Gras and there were silent and live auctions, good food catered by Ferah Tex-Med, a cash bar, DJ and music, and plenty of time for meeting and mingling with great people. Councilmembers and candidates, city management and department heads, school district reps, Chamber board, ambassadors, and members, and others were in attendance and a good time was had by all.
Council Candidates' Ballot Places Drawn
Seven candidates filed applications and qualified for a place on the ballot in the general election, which will be held on May 3rd. Council places 2, 4, and 6 are up for election. A drawing was held to determine the order of names on the ballot. Video of the drawing is available on the city's Facebook page. Results are as follows:
1. Marvin Gibbs
2. David Larrick Smith
1. Betsy Chapman-White
2. Mike Britton*
1. Pamela Bell
2. John Pershing Bowers III "Trey"
3. Alexander Robles
* Incumbent
The drawing for ballot place in the special election for mayor will take place after the close of the filing window on March 3.
Representing Rowlett in Austin
What happens in Austin doesn't stay in Austin. The decisions made by our state legislators impact us throughout all of Texas and have a big impact on individual citizens. on businesses, and on municipal governments. Cities don't operate in a vacuum, so it's important for local elected officials to represent the interests of their constituents at the state Capitol.
Deb will be traveling to Austin next week and meeting with state representatives to advocate for issues that benefit our city and citizens. As a member of Rowlett's government affairs subcommittee, she helped create the city's legislative agenda for the 89th session and will carry that message to those who create the laws under which our city has to operate.
Rowlett Chamber and Visitors Center Annual Gala
This Friday, February 21, the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its annual gala event. Deb and Tom will be there, supporting our Chamber, so please come out and help us celebrate and honor all the special people and businesses in our city.
You can find out more and register to attend via the Chamber website:
Rowlett, TX Our Calendar of Events
Deb Shinder for Mayor official campaign kickoff event was a big success
On Sunday afternoon, Deb's supporters filled the largest room at the Rowlett Community Centre to help kick off her campaign for mayor. Her campaign team did an amazing job of completely transforming the room into a campaign rally headquarters. This was Deb's first city-wide campaign event, and it went off beautifully, thanks to all those who gave their time, effort, and money to make it happen.
The campaign kickoff was attended by current and former councilmembers, some current council candidates, community leaders, mayoral candidate from our sister city of Garland Deborah Morris, and Rowlett citizens and business owners who believe Deb is the best candidate to lead the Rowlett council during this time of transition and transformation.
Deb said, "I am so humbled and honored by the love and support I've received, including from people I just met. I will do all I can to earn the trust that you have put in me by supporting me for mayor. I don't make a lot of campaign promises because I don't believe in making commitments I can't keep, but I can and will promise to always listen to your concerns and complaints and do my best to answer your questions and address the issues you care about, within my authority to do so."
This was the first event, but it won't be the last. Keep an eye on the Events page for upcoming neighborhood meet & mingles and the next city-wide event.
Council candidates slate still not finalized
Friday, Feb. 14 was the deadline to file for a place on the ballot for the city council general election. However, there were some withdrawals and some last-minute applications that could not be verified before the weekend.
In another twist, a person can file to run as a declared write-in candidate, and the deadline for that is Tuesday, Feb. 18. A declared write-in means the person's name doesn't appear on the ballot, but votes for him/her will be counted if voters write the name in.
All this means we still don't know for sure exactly who's running. As of end of business day on Friday, Feb. 14, verified candidates for council include Marvin Gibbs for place 2, Mike Britton for place 4, and Pam Bell for place 6. Chance Jobe was verified for place 2 but withdrew. David Smith was verified for place 6 but withdrew. There are still two applications pending verification and one application that was rejected and the rejection has been challenged.
There are still two verified candidates for the special election for mayor: myself and Jeff Winget.
Credit Card donations now accepted
You can now use a credit card to donate to Deb's campaign. If you want to help out with the expenses involved in running for office, any donation - large or small - is greatly appreciated. Just go to the "Contribute" link in the top navigation bar. If you can help in other ways (door-to-door campaigning, phone calls, distributing flyers, hosting neighborhood events, etc.), go to the "Volunteer" page in the bottom nav bar or email Deb at deb@deb-for-rowlett.com
Council Candidates Update
One more candidate has officially filed to run for city council in the May 3, 2025 election. As of end of day on Tuesday, February 11, two candidates have filed to run in the special election for mayor, with two having filed for council place 2, one for place 4, and one for place 6 in the general election. The deadline to file in the general election is this Friday, February 14. The deadline to file in the special election is March 3.
Debra Shinder
Jeff Winget
Marvin Gibbs
Chance Jobe
Mike Britton
Pam Bell
Visit the Rowlett Elections website for daily updates.
Five candidates have filed for council seats thus far
As of February 5, the day after the passage of the ordinances officially calling the Rowlett general and special elections in May, five candidates have filed applications and petitions and have qualified to run for office. Two candidates (including Deb) have filed for the mayor's seat, and one each for places 2, 4, and 6. Other people have picked up candidate packets but have not yet filed. The deadline to file for council is February 14 and the deadline to file for mayor is March 3. You can see the updated lists each day here.
Deb Shinder files application to run for mayor
Following the passage of an ordinance at the February 4 regular meeting calling a special election on May 3 for the seat of mayor, the filing window opened on February 5. Deb Shinder has submitted her application to the city secretary and is awaiting verification of the petitions. The deadline to file for a place on the ballot in the special election is March 3.
Filing for council seats 2, 4, and 6 in the May 3 general election opened on January 15 and the deadline is February 14.
Council calls May 3 elections
At the regular council meeting on February 4, the council passed ordinances calling both the general and special elections for May 3, 2025. These were voted on as part of the twelve-item consent agenda, which, following a motion by Councilmember Britton and second by Councilmember Reaves, was approved by a vote of five to one (Councilmember Bowers voting "no").
Deb Shinder announces mayoral candidacy
Debra Shinder, currently Deputy Mayor Pro Tem in place 6 of the Rowlett City Council, has announced her intent to run for mayor in the election to be held on May 3, 2025. Deb’s priorities as mayor will focus first on the essential functions of government that most impact citizens' quality of life, then on economic development to reduce the tax burden on residents.