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Deb releases a new "short shots" video: The Great Political Divide

Deb released a new video commentary today, this time about "The Great Political Divide." Click on the photo to view the video, or read the transcript below. 

It seems as if anyone who takes a stand on a controversial issue these days is accused of being divisive. But like it or not, our country and our city ARE divided. That's not all bad. It means we don't all think alike, and that we bring different perspectives and ideas and ideologies to the table.

Elections, by their very nature, divide people into two or more camps, depending on which candidate or candidates you support. It's good that the candidates are not alike - if they were, why even bother to vote?
People who don’t personally know the candidates (and that's most voters) decide who to vote for based on the differences between the candidates. This includes differences in ideology, experience, availability, or positions on a particular issue.
Pointing out those differences isn’t mudslinging or a “jab” at anyone – it’s just a part of campaigning and providing information that voters need - and it’s not just the right but the duty of a person running for office to differentiate him/herself from the opponent.
Once the election is over, having differences doesn't mean we can't work together. We can be at opposite ends of the ideological spectrum and still find common ground on city issues, most of which have no partisan implications.
This past week, a fellow councilmember and I, who are very opposite on the ideological spectrum, have been collaborating on an issue that concerns us both. That's how it works.
I have my own values and beliefs, and I will vote for candidates whose values most closely align with mine. But as a councilmember and as your mayor, I can and will work with whomever is elected - because that's the job, that's the mission, and that's what leadership is all about.

Pol. Adv. paid for by Deb Shinder Campaign
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